Your growing business relies on a strong network to run bandwidth and support heavy data consumption. All this can slow down your network, especially during peak hours.
As your business expands, network management becomes even more challenging, putting undue pressure on IT – and of course, your bottom line. That’s why it’s critical for you to stay at the forefront of your business, while we focus on managing and keeping your network secure and scalable.
Experience the advantages of ASIAN Managed SD WAN services NO COPEX, No risk of technical obsolescence, Fortinet SD WAN devices, Central control with you, One help desk number for all troubleshooting and fast resolution, SLA based services, Integrated customer report (Web based)giving a complete view of the network.
SD WAN Solution allows:
Active-active Link
Auto Failover
Intelligent Load balancing & QOS
Centralized Control
Application Resiliency
Multi cloud path
Zero Touch Deployment

1. SD-Wan Overlay Services
A software-defined wide area network (SD WAN), is a network that is abstracted from its hardware, creating a virtualized network overlay.
ASIAN SD WAN provides different overlay options for connecting to private (MPLS) or public (Internet) networks. Using these overlays, organizations can create various topologies and take advantage of different hosting options for the SD WAN components.
ASIAN undertakes SD WAN overlay services where IT can have complete control & orchestration of software WAN services.
Edge connectivity abstraction
WAN virtualization
Centralized management
Elastic traffic management
The “ASIAN managed overlay” route is compelling; allowing you to fully realise the benefits of SD WAN whilst letting you still use private connectivity where it’s needed by leveraging carrier independent services.
2. SD-Wan Underlay Services
The SD WAN underlay connectivity used to deploy your secure overlay tunnels. Selecting an SD WAN vendor is now one of the key priorities for IT teams, making the transition from MPLS VPN or re-evaluating their working practices.
Software-WAN is bringing service assurance across WAN services because the complexity of the underlay is all but hidden to the IT team. Where issues and problems occurred in the past, the fault was usually related to connectivity which may have caused a loss of revenue due to protracted down times. Single ISP or Multiple ISPs, it is important to evaluate the benefits of both options for your business. While SD WAN is the enabler to connecting any ISP connection, multinational Enterprise businesses should consider and weigh up multiple and single provider underlay.
ASIAN SD WAN underlay services ensure higher uptime, better throughput and pro-active monitoring while providing you two different ISP’s for your Connectivity.
ASIAN SD WAN Underlay helps you in:
Monitoring & Maintenance of your Network Connectivity
Backend Technical support for your business continuity
Higher uptime & throughput
24/7 NOC Support
Managed SD WAN Service
ASIAN Managed SD WAN solution offers comprehensive and cost-effective network connectivity from branch locations (spoke) to the headquarters (hub).
The network created by SD WAN includes advanced connectivity and security functions so that WAN can respond quickly to the rapidly changing business demands.
As demand for enterprise-level SD WAN increases, organizations are increasingly moving from acquiring and operating their own SD WAN equipment to using managed SD WAN services.
WHY ASIAN for Managed SD WAN
• Pan India Solutions
We are flexible for any location on Pan India level (From Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 zones).
• Robust and Edge cutting technologies
We provide reliable IT Solutions with robust and new edge cutting technologies.
• Scalable & One Stop Solutions
We provide Scalable solutions for any kind of business, your one stop solution for all IT requirements.
• Maintenance and Monitoring of networks
We monitor and maintain your IT Networks as our Managed Service with SLA based.
• 365 days 24*7 NOC Support​
We provide dedicated 24*7 NOC Support with aim of providing quality of services.